Bladon, Rachel

Japan [Starter-A1-A2] / Rachel Bladon. - Oxford Oxford University Press 2013 - 56 sayfa : resim ; 22 cm. "Ses kartı eki vardır.". - Starter A1 A2 Oxford bookworms library .

What is Japan? It is everything new and modern: the Tokyo Sky Tree, 634 metres high; amazing camera and phones; karaoke and manga; trains going past at 300 kilometres an hour. And it is everthing timeless too: beautiful palaces; high mountains and hot springs; cherry blossom; queit gardens with water and trees. Here the past meets the future all the time. From sumo wrestlers to robots, Japan has something amazing for everybody Contents:
Old meets new
Emperors, samurai, and shoguns
Earthquakes and volcanoes
Life in Japan
Language and customs
Sport and culture
Other places to visit
Japanese food
Into the future

Included in the reader: Activities (Before reading ; While reading ; After reading)
Word count: 5,354


Anglais (Langue) Lectures et morceaux choisis pour adultes
Uygulamalı dilbilim
Okuma kitapları
Anglais (Langue) Lectures et morceaux choisis pour nouveaux alphabétisés
Compréhension de la lecture Problèmes et exercices
High interest-low vocabulary books
Japan Description and travel

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