Comparative history of religions : a textbook for high school students /
[Karşılaştırmalı dinler tarihi : lise öğrencileri için bir ders kitabı]
genel koordinatör : Mehmet Emin Özafşar ; yazarlar : Ekrem Özbay, Eyüp Koç, Ahmet Yapıcı, Ahmet Türkan, Mehmet Baydaş, Isa Hemiş ; hazırlayanlar : Vanessa Rose, Ayşe Zuhal Sari, Furkan Eriş ; editörler : Yüksel Salman, Eyüp Koç, İsmail Eriş ; çeviren : Hafize Zor.
- 2. Baskı
- Ankara General Directorate of Religious Publications, Department of Publications in Foreign Languages and Dialects 2017
- 255 sayfa ; 28 cm.
- Publications of the Presidency of Religious Affairs 1175 Professional Books 111 .
Contents: 1. Introduction to the comparative history of religions 2. The essence of religion 3. Religion based on relevation 4. Indian and East Asian religions 5. Principles of belief in religions 6. Worship and places of worship in religions 7. Basic ethical principles in religions 8. Religious pluralism, dialogue and missionary