Introduction to The Holy Qur'an 2 : a textbook for high school students / [Kur'an-ı Kerim'e Giriş 2 : lise öğrencileri için bir ders kitabı] genel koordinatör : Mehmet Emin Özafşar ; yazarlar : Faruk Salman, Nazif Yılmaz ; çevirenler : Beyza Nur Erdogan, Elif Beyse Demirtas, Hafize Zor, Nagihan Ayse Ozkul, Sumeyye Şimşek ; hazırlayanlar : Vanessa Rose, Ayse Zuhal Sari, Furkan Eris ; editörler : İsmail Eriş, Eyüp Koç. - 2. Baskı - Ankara : General Directorate of Religious Publications, Department of Publications in Foreign Languages and Dialects, 2017. - 112 sayfa ; 28 cm. - Publications of the Presidency of Religious Affairs 1169 Professional Books 105 .

1. The prophet and beautiful recitation of The Noble Qur'an: Tajweed
2. Surahs that will be read from the text of the Qur'an
3. The verses and surahs to be memorized and their meanings


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