Genel Not:This book attempts to unite poetics (or theory of literature) with criticism (evaluation), literary scholarship and history. It undertakes to arrange the main problems of literary study from the standpoint of what the authors call the 'intrinsic' concern for literature. Chapters on the nature of literature, on metre, style, metaphor, symbol, fictional technique, and genres form the core of the book, but the 'extrinsic approaches are not slighted: literature in relation to psychology, society, ideas and the other arts is discussed at length, as are all the problems of editing and of literary history. The authors supplement each other: Mr Warren provides the sensitivity of an American New Critic, Mr Wellek the erudition and theoretical discipline of European scholarship. The peculiar success of the book lies in harmony of powers often mutually restrictive: clear theoretical vision and divers learning. The perspective is rangingly and consistently international: a panorama of modern literary scholars from America to the Slavic world is unfolded. It is an indispensable manual for every student of Literature.
'It is to Richards' Principles of Literary Criticism that we must go for a comparable effort of clarification' - The Times Literary Supplement
'Should prove of the greatest value to all teachers, students, and other serious readers of imaginative literature' - Guardian
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