National technology initiative: social reflections and Türkiye's future Editörler : Mehmet Fatih Kacır, Muzaffer Şeker, Mürsel Doğrul.
Materyal türü: MetinDil: Türkçe Seri kaydı: Science and Thought Series ; 43Yayın ayrıntıları:Ankara : Turkish Academy of Sciences Publication 2022. Tanım: VI, 726 sayfa : fotoğraf, grafik, tablo ; 28 cmISBN:- 9786258352177
- 610 MİL.T 2022
Materyal türü | Geçerli Kütüphane | Yer Numarası | Durum | İade tarihi | Barkod | |
Kitap | Türkiye Maarif Vakfı Eğitim İhtisas Kütüphanesi Genel Koleksiyon | 610 MİL.T (Rafa gözat(Aşağıda açılır)) | Kullanılabilir | 0002927 |
Türkiye Maarif Vakfı Eğitim İhtisas Kütüphanesi raflarına göz atılıyor, Raftaki konumu: Genel Koleksiyon Raf tarayıcısını kapatın(Raf tarayıcısını kapatır)
TÜBA tarafından Milli Teknoloji Hamlesi tematik odağında yürütülen bu çalışma, Türkiye’nin teknolojik atılımının her aşmasında yaşananları ve tecrübeleri bilimsel bir zeminde ve yöntemde literatüre kazandırmaktadır. Sağlıktan ulaşıma, savunmadan eğitime, sanayiden uzaya birçok alanda başlatılan yerli ve milli teknoloji ve yenilik girişimi çok boyutlu olarak bilim insanlarımızın yanında teknoloji yöneticileri ve karar alıcılar tarafından 37 bölümde kaleme alınmıştır. Teknoloji ve yeniliğin topyekün bir başarı örneği olma hedefiyle emin adımlarla yoluna devam eden Türkiye Milli Teknoloji Hamlesi’nin bilimsel ve beşeri haritası, gelecek dönem bilim, Ar-Ge ve yenilikçilik konusundaki benzer girişimlerine kaynak olma özelliği taşımaktadır. Uluslararası referans kaynak ve beşerî girdi niteliğindeki National Technology Initiative: Social Reflections and Türkiye's Future aynı zamanda Türkçe olarak da yayıma hazırlandı, eser dünya bilimsel literatüründe yerini aldı.
In today's world, the fundamental requirement of independence is to reach the position of
a country that designs, develops, produces and exports technology. Countries that remain
only as end users of technology cannot guarantee their freedom in any area. Every event
we have experienced in recent years has clearly shown us that we need to be at the forefront
in all fields of technology.
Like every innovation, the first step in technological development is imagination. Great
futures are built on the knowledge and experience of great pasts. Throughout the centuries,
our ancestors have always dreamed of further and more, pursued it, fought, and reached
their goals. Our goals, which include the targets/dreams of Turks beyond the horizon and
which we refer to as "Kızılelma" (The Red Apple), have always been renewed.
With the National Technology Initiative, Türkiye has started to reach the position of a
country that does not follow behind but rather pioneers and paves the way for technological
revolutions in many areas. With the public and private sectors of all fields, we are
determined to take advantage of every opportunity to take our technological development
to a global level and to take an active part in international competition.
Türkiye is a great country built upon a magnificent civilization and a rich history based on
science, wisdom and wisdom.
The National Technology Initiative is an important breakthrough in which we started to
reap the fruits of the legacy of our civilization on the 100th anniversary of our Republic.
We are proud to personally follow every stage of this breakthrough, including project,
design, and financing. It is pleasing to see that the national and original model development
studies have reached the point where the ready-made purchase projects of many products
such as tanks, helicopters, aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles have been canceled.
Türkiye is now a country that can produce two-thirds of its defense industry needs.
Furthermore, we also laid the foundations of national and domestic production in many
fields from health to education, and from energy to transportation.
I find the book titled "National Technology Initiative: Social Reflections and Türkiye's
Future", in which the Turkish Academy of Sciences documents the latest point our country
has reached in the field, on the production line, in the air, in the sea, in space, and in the
software world with scientific meticulousness, important.
This work, prepared with the contribution of technology experts and researchers, scientists,
decision-makers, and public and private sector representatives, aims to translate our
country's National Technology Initiatives into a scientific corpus.
I believe that this work, which shows the contributions of all stakeholders in the stages of
our country's becoming an actor with a voice in global politics and a technology base, will
be an important source of reference.
I congratulate those who contributed to the preparation of this work, which is a signature
that will transfer what we do today, what we will do tomorrow, and the effects of these to
future generations for the National Technology Initiative.
Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN
President of Türkiye