Frankenstein /

Shelley, Mary

Frankenstein / Mary Shelley, Gill Tavner ; resimleyen : Vanessa Lubach. - 1. Baskı - İstanbul Kaknüs Yayınları 2017 - 64 sayfa : resim ; 19 cm. - Kaknüs Publications 718 Young Kaknus Series 43 .

“The pictures are so detailed and emotional. I really felt I was there” Chesca, 10

‘You must hear my tale. You must hear my terrible, terrible tale.’

Committed to the deadly pursuit of the monster he created, Victor Frankenstein tells his chilling story. It all began with a desire to help mankind, but where will it end?

Frankenstein leads us through vast mountainous landscapes and over frozen seas. Can he stop the fiend’s murderous course? Is he prepared to do what the monster demands?

The reader will be shocked and surprised. Is the monster as evil as he seems? Is Victor Frankenstein responsible for the tortures he himself endures? What can Frankenstein’s terrible tale teach us today?


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808.0427 / SHE.F 2017 372.6 / SHE.F 2017 428.6 / SHE.F 2017