Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde /

Stevenson, Robert Louis

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde / Robert Louis Stevenson, Peter Crowther ; resimleyen : Vanessa Lubach. - 1. Baskı - İstanbul Kaknüs Yayınları 2017 - 64 sayfa : resim ; 19 cm. - Kaknüs Publications 717 Young Kaknus Series 42 .

“I like Jekyll and Hyde because it is easy to read. The story is gripping, and scary too.” Adam, 11

When Dr Henry Jekyll dares to explore the delicate balance between good and evil, he little suspects the destructive powers he will unleash.

In London’s respectable society, Jekyll’s friends grow concerned. Why has Jekyll suddenly changed his will, and what is his connection with the frightening Mr Hyde?

In London’s squalour, a child is trampled and an elderly gentleman brutally murdered. Why do all fingers point towards Mr Hyde?

Is Jekyll strong enough to resist Hyde’s strange power? Are Jekyll’s friends strong enough to help?

In this exploration of two sides of Victorian London and two sides of human nature, the conflict between good and evil has been given a terrifying twist.


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808.0427 / STE.D 2017 372.6 / STE.D 2017 428.6 / STE.D 2017