The lost world /
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
The lost world / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Chaz Brenchley ; resimleyen : Felix Bennett. - 1. Baskı - İstanbul Kaknüs Yayınları 2017 - 64 sayfa : resim ; 19 cm. - Kaknüs Publications 712 Young Kaknus Series 37 .
“It was exciting when the baby pterodactyl came back to England and flew off.
It might be anywhere!” Tom, 12
‘Dinosaurs are most certainly not extinct. I have seen them.’
An incredible claim by the eccentric Professor Challenger leads to an expedition deep into the Amazon, where an unlikely group of men find themselves on a journey into unknown dangers. Will they have the skills, strength, intelligence and good fortune to survive?
Do dinosaurs really exist on the inaccessible plateau? How did a human skeleton become impaled on a bamboo spike? Can humans survive in a land of such primitive powers?
If journalist Edward Malone ever returns home to write his newspaper report, will it be to declare Challenger a madman
Okuma kitapları
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İngilizce eleştirel okuma yoluyla retoriği öğrenme
808.0427 / DOY.L 2017 372.6 / DOY.L 2017 428.6 / DOY.L 2017
The lost world / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Chaz Brenchley ; resimleyen : Felix Bennett. - 1. Baskı - İstanbul Kaknüs Yayınları 2017 - 64 sayfa : resim ; 19 cm. - Kaknüs Publications 712 Young Kaknus Series 37 .
“It was exciting when the baby pterodactyl came back to England and flew off.
It might be anywhere!” Tom, 12
‘Dinosaurs are most certainly not extinct. I have seen them.’
An incredible claim by the eccentric Professor Challenger leads to an expedition deep into the Amazon, where an unlikely group of men find themselves on a journey into unknown dangers. Will they have the skills, strength, intelligence and good fortune to survive?
Do dinosaurs really exist on the inaccessible plateau? How did a human skeleton become impaled on a bamboo spike? Can humans survive in a land of such primitive powers?
If journalist Edward Malone ever returns home to write his newspaper report, will it be to declare Challenger a madman
Okuma kitapları
Dil ve edebiyat
İngilizce eleştirel okuma yoluyla retoriği öğrenme
808.0427 / DOY.L 2017 372.6 / DOY.L 2017 428.6 / DOY.L 2017