Jane Eyre /
Bronte, Charlotte
Jane Eyre / Charlotte Bronte, Gill Travner ; resimleyen : Vanessa Lubach. - 1. Baskı - İstanbul Kaknüs Yayınları 2017 - 64 sayfa : resim ; 19 cm. - Kaknüs Publications 700 Young Kaknus Series 25 .
“I like the language, and the character of Jane Eyre.
You feel she is real.” Gypsy, 12
Jane Eyre is poor, parentless and plain. Her future looks bleak.
Jane’s aunt and cousin detest her. Life at Lowood School is cruel and dangerous. What inner strength can the young Jane find?
Seeking adventure and independence, Jane sets out alone. Is her new master, Mr Rochester, all that he seems? What secret does he keep locked in the third storey,where strange laughter haunts the nights?
In her search for affection, Jane faces horror, cruelty, poverty and temptation. Is she strong enough to do what is right?
Will she ever mean anything more to anybody than poor, plain Jane Eyre?
Okuma kitapları
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İngilizce eleştirel okuma yoluyla retoriği öğrenme
808.0427 / BRO.J 2017 372.6 / BRO.J 2017 428.6 / BRO.J 2017
Jane Eyre / Charlotte Bronte, Gill Travner ; resimleyen : Vanessa Lubach. - 1. Baskı - İstanbul Kaknüs Yayınları 2017 - 64 sayfa : resim ; 19 cm. - Kaknüs Publications 700 Young Kaknus Series 25 .
“I like the language, and the character of Jane Eyre.
You feel she is real.” Gypsy, 12
Jane Eyre is poor, parentless and plain. Her future looks bleak.
Jane’s aunt and cousin detest her. Life at Lowood School is cruel and dangerous. What inner strength can the young Jane find?
Seeking adventure and independence, Jane sets out alone. Is her new master, Mr Rochester, all that he seems? What secret does he keep locked in the third storey,where strange laughter haunts the nights?
In her search for affection, Jane faces horror, cruelty, poverty and temptation. Is she strong enough to do what is right?
Will she ever mean anything more to anybody than poor, plain Jane Eyre?
Okuma kitapları
Dil ve edebiyat
İngilizce eleştirel okuma yoluyla retoriği öğrenme
808.0427 / BRO.J 2017 372.6 / BRO.J 2017 428.6 / BRO.J 2017