Siyar : the biography of Prophet Muhammad : a textbook for high school students /

Siyar : the biography of Prophet Muhammad : a textbook for high school students / [Siyer : Peygamber Muhammed'in biyografisi: lise öğrencileri için bir ders kitabı] yazarlar : Ahmet Eksi, Ali Sacit Turker, Ramazan Sahan, Kadir Sdiyaman, Hasan Ozket ; hazırlayanlar : Vanessa Rose, Ayşe Zuhal Sarı, Furkan Eriş ; çeviren : Beyza Nur Erdoğan Abdeldayem ; editörler : Yüksel Salman, Eyüp Koç, İsmail Eriş. - 2. Baskı - Ankara General Directorate of Religious Publications, Department of Publications in Foreign Languages and Dialects 2017 - 212 sayfa ; 28 cm. - Publications of the Presidency of Religious Affairs 1177 Professional Books 113 .

1. The environment in which Prophet Muhammad was born
2. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) before his prophethood
3. Muhammad as a prophet and the Meccan period
4. The invitation of Prophet Muhammad: the Madinan period
5. The exemplary character of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)


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377.97 / TEX.F 2017