Education for international understanding, co-operation and peace and education relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms through the teaching of ethical and humanistic values /
Education for international understanding, co-operation and peace and education relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms through the teaching of ethical and humanistic values /
[Etik ve insani değerlerin öğretilmesi yoluyla uluslararası anlayış, işbirliği ve barış eğitimi ve insan hakları ve temel özgürlüklerle ilgili eğitim]
- Helsinki Finnish National Commision for UNESCO 1986
- 497 sayfa ; 21 cm.
- European joint studies in education 9 .
Título de la portada: International education in twelve countries
9514700333 9789514700330
Educación comparada
Educación internacional
370.195 / EDU.I 1986
Título de la portada: International education in twelve countries
9514700333 9789514700330
Educación comparada
Educación internacional
370.195 / EDU.I 1986